Monday, February 15, 2016

Confrontation Celts, part deux...

This experiment with the value sketches continues.
You saw the darks added. Now I've added the lights. We are ready for more color.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Confrontation... remember those awesome minis from Rackham?

My latest major project is painting about two dozen Celts from the Confrontation line.
I've always loved the entire range of models from Rackham, so I said "Yes way!!" when I
was asked to paint them.

This post is about laying the groundwork. Not the bases. They came to me assembled, based and primed, which is a little weird for me, but whatevs.
Anyways, laying the groundwork for painting. Finding the lights and darks before applying all those colors. I will steal Matt DiPietro's word for it, and call it a value sketch.
I did add a bit of color to mine. A little pinkish tone, as they're supposed to be ruddy-skinned Northern-Europeans, and a bluish hue to my darks.